Chilweni Forum for Special Needs (CFSN) was set up by four friends from Chilaweni. Each of them has faced considerable challenges living with disabilities in a semi-rural area of Malawi. They have identified a challenge in their community – the lack of education for children with disabilities – and set about to change it themselves.

Aliyah, Cathy, Ethel and Yusuf have established a school for children with disabilities that is free to any child in the area. Through this initiative, they are helping dozens of children – who might otherwise be confined to their homes – to receive an education and find their place in their community.

They receive no funding from government, local or international charities or NGOs. The only funding they get is from well-wishers like you.

If you would like to support CFSN please contact Asher Jacobsberg and he will arrange to get your money directly to Malawi and into the CFSN bank account. From there it will go directly to the volunteer teachers of CFSN to support their essential work.

As the people whose initiative it is and who do the work, they are best placed to decide how the money is spent. They provide regular financial updates and photos and have a local board to whom they report.